Emad’s passion for cigars started in 2008 as a celebration of a success in sales. After each win, Emad would light up a cigar to bask in the moment and enjoy it to the fullest.
His journey with cigars started with New World Cigars, primarily Nicaraguan and Dominican. After many trips to Cuba and an opportunity to discover the range of Habanos offerings, Emad found his taste had evolved and that Cuban cigars were the ideal blends for his palate.
Amongst his international travels, he explored various tobacconists and cigar lounges in Europe and Asia. In 2016, Emad and a couple friends opened a luxury cigar boutique and he become a tobacconist himself to share his passion and vision with the cigar community in the Greater Toronto Area.
Shortly afterwards, in 2017, he became a Habanos Specialist to gain a valuable certification and a level of in-depth Cuban cigar knowledge to be shared.
Emad is an active member of international cigar communities and enjoys sharing his passion and knowledge with others, while continuing to learn, embracing new cigar experiences on his journey.