Being able to look after your ears and hearing health in general is important. There are many benefits to maintaining good ear and hearing health, particularly as you get older. However, it’s not something most people will pay much attention to because they feel as though their hearing is perhaps not as important as other parts of their body or types of healthcare checkups.
With that being said, if you want to improve your attitude towards health, especially for your ear health, then here are some helpful tips to maintain good ear and hearing health in 2025.
Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises
Firstly, try to protect your ears from loud noises. Preventative measures taken will ensure you give your ears the best chance of a healthy life not just in your early years but leading into your latter years where hearing can often deteriorate as we age.
Look at where you could protect your ears and how you could invest in the right accessories to help prevent loud noises from damaging your hearing. For example, you might want to look at spending some money on earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones.
Keep the Volume on Devices at a Lower Level
Keeping the volume on devices at a lower level is always going to be a great way to maintain good hearing health. As your hearing gets worse, so too does your reliance on your television remote. The higher the volume goes, the more damage it’s going to do to your hearing, even if it’s already damaged.
If you’re able to keep the volume on devices at a lower level, you’ll hopefully be able to reduce the additional damage that you would otherwise do to your hearing health.
Seek Advice and Guidance from Medical Professionals
Seeking advice and guidance is something that can be helpful when it comes to improving the state of your ear and hearing health.
Medical professionals are people you need to see regularly and to approach when you have any concerns.
Take Breaks from Noisy Environments
If you’re someone who is often working in a noisy environment, it’s always beneficial to take yourself away from these environments in order to give yourself a break.
Look at how you might be damaging your hearing by spending too much time in these noisy environments, especially if you’re working in them every day.
There are some great smart earplugs available should you need them and it’s worth it to find out why this matters when it comes to managing your ear health.
Conduct Proper Ear Care
Proper ear care is something to think about when it comes to maintaining good ear and hearing health. From making sure you dry your ears properly when getting out of the shower, to making sure nothing is going into them and possibly causing you an ear infection as a result.
These tips will hopefully help you to maintain good ear and hearing health in 2025. Make sure you use these tips to improve your ear health this year.
Top photo by Tomasz Gawłowski on Unsplash

I am a 50-something Torontonian who loves everything about my city. It’s been my home, my playground, for my entire life. I went to school here. I met my wife here. I own real estate here. I love writing about the transformation of my city on the world stage, which hasn’t been anything short of dramatic. That continues on, as I write this. I write on the real estate scene. I write on travel and fashion. I like following the world of luxury watches.
But I love writing about cars – check that, luxury cars, a level of superior, engineering sophistication, high performance and style, that transports you not just from one destination to another but also out of whatever you are going through on a particular day, whatever mood you are in, all to another head space. It’s complete and total exhilaration, head to toe.
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