by | Oct 14, 2021 | Real Estate, Interior Design

The epitome of luxurious homes is not just a home that is well-appointed. It is a home that allows you to feel lavished, or spoiled on a regular basis. You need to think about royalty, opulence and of course, extreme extravagance.

Related: Interior design: A luxury aquarium for the homebound clientele

The word luxury may make you think about gaming rooms, pools and even saunas, but what features do luxurious homebuyers look for the most when they shop for a new property? Find out here.

Character counts

Some say a home is not classed as being luxurious unless it has a grand entrance, with an open staircase. In fact, open-plan is often cited as being the most sought-after feature when it comes to luxurious properties. The great thing about open-plan is that it gives you chance to really use the space you have to your advantage.

It also gives you the chance to cater your space to your needs, and if you have a family, you may find that they are ever-changing. The best high-end real estate agents will often work with you to make sure that you have access to the finest properties around, as well as pointing out ones that have a lot of character and individuality.


You can’t shy away from the technology that is taking the world by storm right now. In this day and age, all homeowners want is tech and that is why so many builders are now trying to do their bit to stay on top of the market by creating homes that can operate with the touch of a button. Now, all you need to do is press a button on your home to control the lights, the alarm system and even the climate in your home. You can do this even if you are on the other side of the country. Builders often install home automation tech that is in line with the trends that are present right now.

On the other side of things, you have a growing trend for materials that are reclaimed. Homeowners are becoming more and more aware of the impact that they are having on the environment, and they are also doing their bit to choose properties that have wooden beams and flooring.

Stocked kitchen

They say that the kitchen is in fact the heart of the home. If you want to live opulently then you need to make sure that you have a solid kitchen. Luxurious kitchens that are lined with appliances are a necessity if you want your property to look great. They will also contain wine fridges, appliances that are restaurant quality and walk-in storage. If you can ensure that the next luxury property you buy has these features, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get the result you want out of your buying experience.

Outdoor pools and kitchens

An indoor kitchen is not usually enough for those who are truly seeking luxury. Wealthy buyers often crave the comforts that come with a cozy outdoor space, and this can include outdoor seating as well as a cooking area. Consider built-in gas grills, a stainless-steel food prep area and finally, a fridge.

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