by | May 10, 2023 | Real Estate

As the real estate market starts to heat up again heading into spring and summer, with inventory shortages and more competition, home buyers will be seeking out any advantage they can get.

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Lay the groundwork so you hit the field running. When you’re ready to jump in and go after the home of your dreams, use these tips to blow anyone else out of the water.

Home buyers: Connect with the right agent quickly

The only thing worse than spending time looking for a suitable agent is connecting quickly with the wrong one. A real estate agent might be great at what they do, but that doesn’t necessarily make them the right fit for you.

For example, first-time homebuyers tend to value lower commissions and free services over experience closing high-end deals. The digital disrupter Regan McGee created his real estate technology platform Nobul to let buyers and sellers find each other.

In an interview with SuperbCrew, McGee explained that “Prospective homebuyers are also looking for a competitive advantage in finding their dream homes — finding the right agent is an essential part of that.”

Nobul users simply need to open the app, list their budget, and describe their desired home. Agents will compete to represent them by sending complimentary offers and maybe even cash back. Buyers can compare the agent’s profiles and select the agent whose services, experiences, prices, and incentives match best.

Research and know yourself

Knowing about the real estate market involves understanding how property traits are valued and what you want in a home. For example, a large front yard may not be meaningful to you, but “curb appeal” tends to make a home’s value rise.

Every home has positives and negatives. Make sure your values and the markets are aligned. Your dream may look nothing like someone else’s.

Leverage data

You can’t learn everything there is to know about real estate markets overnight. Thankfully we’re living in an era of advanced computing where purpose-built AI provides crucial insights.

What did houses nearby go for last year or ten years ago? What are the nearby public schools like, and how will this affect the home’s price? You can get these questions answered individually, but it takes time.

Real estate agents have access to reams of collated data they can scan quickly. Modern data is comprehensive without being time-consuming, so you can stay informed about this crucial transaction without dawdling.

Constant support

Buying a home is nothing like any other purchase you’ll ever make. You’ll have questions and possibly anxieties.

Having an experienced agent by your side who has your best interests at heart can be invaluable. They’ll not only save you money and help you find the right home. They could also calm your nerves and keep you relaxed.

They’ll show you how to win bidding wars, ensure the home is in good condition before you buy it, and help you navigate the financials.

Keep organized, stay responsible, and don’t forget the above advice. Do these things, and you should find your dream home for a great price.

Top photo by RDNE Stock project/Pexels

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