You work hard and spend your money wisely on things you want, such as great cars. You take your time and research to find the best fit for your lifestyle. When things go awry, as they sometimes do, it is wise to know the best course of action. So take care of your car.
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Cars just aren’t a means of transportation. They’re an investment. Read on for tips on how to handle some of life’s inevitable road bumps regarding vehicles.
Vehicle defects
You rely on your car and expect it to run as advertised and intended. A major concern comes about when you have purchased a brand new vehicle, bring it home, and then something happens.
Take, for example, the recent concerns over defects in Chevy Camaro starters and heat shields. When you buy something new, you expect it to work. If you have a Chevy Camaro with either of these issues, a class-action lawsuit is underway, and you may be able to become part of that lawsuit.

This information transfers to other car makes and models, as well. If you find that your vehicle has problems that the manufacturer had previous knowledge of and did not disclose you need to contact a qualified lawyer for advice on the next steps to handle your specific concerns.
You do not need to settle and deal with any problems or defects on your own. Regardless of what you choose to do, it is always best to receive expert guidance and know your rights.
Daily damage protection
Every day, your car is subject to many risks. Be it the sudden exterior scratches from unknown sources or unpredictable food spills on the car seats, each little incident can result in costly or, worst, irreparable damage.
Some preventive actions you can do is to clean your exteriors regularly to prevent permanent dirt and stains. You can also use a car touch-up paint to immediately address minor scratches and keep the damage from escalating.
Remember to take care of your vehicle’s interiors too. Avoid leaving trash inside the car and wipe down any spills. Use quality car seat covers to keep your car looking new and avoid wearing down your vehicle’s original upholstery.
Vehicle recalls
If you receive a vehicle recall notice via email or regular mail – first of all, good job for keeping your contact information current with your vehicle’s manufacturer. (Pro tip: If you are reading this and you have moved since purchasing a vehicle, contact them as soon as possible to update all of your contact information.)
Your next step is to read the notice carefully and determine whether your vehicle is safe to operate in light of this new information. Either way, contact your local dealership to schedule a recall appointment.

When calling the dealership to schedule, ensure that you state that you have a recall, as they usually have time slots set aside to meet the demands of the mandatory recall repairs. Next, if you are unable to safely drive your vehicle due to the recall, ask them what they can do for you.
Most dealerships have a limited supply of loaner vehicles that you can borrow free of charge until yours is repaired. If they do not have a car available, consider contacting your insurance company to see if your policy covers a car rental during a recall repair.
Proper storage
Another key point to taking care of your vehicle comes about in terms of storage. If you need to store it for long periods, protect the value and integrity by doing it the right way. Contact your insurer to see if you can reduce your rates during storage, as well.

Never settle for a defect or problem with your investments – whether it is cars or anything else on which you spend your money. Life is too short, and you deserve the fruits of your labours. Be proactive to take care of the things you value and then get out there and enjoy them.

I am a 50-something Torontonian who loves everything about my city. It’s been my home, my playground, for my entire life. I went to school here. I met my wife here. I own real estate here. I love writing about the transformation of my city on the world stage, which hasn’t been anything short of dramatic. That continues on, as I write this. I write on the real estate scene. I write on travel and fashion. I like following the world of luxury watches.
But I love writing about cars – check that, luxury cars, a level of superior, engineering sophistication, high performance and style, that transports you not just from one destination to another but also out of whatever you are going through on a particular day, whatever mood you are in, all to another head space. It’s complete and total exhilaration, head to toe.
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