Kristin Perrin

Kristin is a freelance creative writer based in Ottawa, where she was born and raised. She has written for personal pleasure since an early age, mostly poetry. When she’s not traveling to new vineyards, or entertaining friends with wine-and-food-gasms, she’s curating content for newsletters, social media, wine, food & lifestyle blogs (including her own blog:, as well as monthly coverage for a local community newspaper. She graduated from the WSET Level 3 Sommelier Certification program in 2007 in Vancouver, where she managed a specialty wine shop, and gained much of her wine knowledge as a product consultant / buyer for the store, conducting weekly tastings, alongside regular educational wine seminars for staff and regulars. She offers virtual private wine tastings, wine list consultation, and cellar management to those in search of the best bang for their buck, while treating themselves to every day luxury when it comes to good food and wine. Kristin believes in slowing things down in life; like taking the time to stop and smell the rosé, everyday!

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